All of them have protivovirus-governmental, anti-tumor and immunostimulating properties. Glucocorticoids - hydrocortisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone and Et al. Side effects were similar to side effects of cyclosporine. Preparations of ribosomes of bacteria. Complex tsiklosporintsiklofillin coppice the enzyme calcineurin, which activates production of IL2. As a result, they inhibited proliferation Tlimfotsitov and education Tslimfotsitov. In particular, immunal designate inside the drops for coppice prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, and also with antibacterial agents infections of skin, respiratory and urinary tract. To prevent and treat infectious diseases including vaccines (attenuated, killed, recombinant). Interferons. Ribomunyl appointed interior for the prevention and treatment of chronic infectious diseases LORorganov (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media, rhinitis) and respiratory (chronic bronchitis, tracheitis). Side effects muromonaba CD3: anaphylactic reactions, tremor, petroleum Ropata, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The most pronounced immunostimulatory effects of uinterfe-Ron. Recombinant preparations of a number of cytokines coppice tumor necrosis factor, interferons); Some of them are used in the clinic. Major side effects of glucocorticoids: ulcerogenic action, oo-teoporoz, secondary infections (bacterial, viral, fungal), cataracts, etc. Distinguish between ?, ? and uinterferony. IRS19 - suspension containing lysates of bacteria that most coppice vyzy-vayut respiratory - pneumococci streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus coli, Klebsiella, moraksell. coppice - interleykina2 recombinant product is used in metal-tastaziruyuschey renal cell carcinoma (p. Side effects of interferon gamma: fever, chills, Mial energy, arthralgia, liver function abnormalities, neutropenia. Tiloron (amiksin) stimulates the formation, and coppice . In this case, myeloid hematopoiesis virtually unchanged, humoral immunity is suppressed little and did not have Bilateral Otitis Media with secondary infections. As an immunosuppressive glucocorticoids used in autoimmune-eases coppice arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, eczema), as well as auxiliary facilities for the transplant of organs and tissues. From herbal immunostimulants use echinacea preparations, which have immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Hepatitis Associated Antigen IRS19 by intranasal coppice for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and LORorganov respiratory (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia and bronchitis). The recombinant coppice interleykina1 ? Betaleukin injected subcutaneously or intravenously in purulent processes with immunodeficiency, with leukopenia due to chemotherapy. Preparations of peptides from the thymus coppice cattle timalin, timostimulin injected intramuscularly, and taktivin, Timoptin under skin mainly in the failure of cellular immunity: when Timmunode-deficit, viral infections, prevention Infections with radiation therapy and chemotherapy of tumors. On the composition and application is similar to IRS19. Tacrolimus (FK506) interacts with a protein FKsvyazyvayuschim Th1 and reduces the activity of calcineurin. Peptide compounds produced by the form lochkovoy gland, stimulate maturation Tlimfotsitov. Side effects of cyclosporine: severe renal impairment with coppice slight excess of therapeutic concentrations cyclosporine in the blood plasma (requires constant monitoring of the concentration of the drug), liver function abnormalities, increased blood pressure, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, dyspepsia, anorexia, etc. 350). Echinacea preparations are used for immune deficiency and chronic inflammatory disease-state. Applied transplantation of organs and tissues.
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